We may share a common tongue and a fondness for fried potato
products, but watching the press conference from Wayne LaPierre, Executive
Vice-President of the National Rifle Association, the United States of America
has never seemed more foreign, and less united.
Ominously silent since the Sandy Hook massacre, this was a
first response to the events that crow-barred Newtown , Conneticut, into our collective
consciousness, and whipped up the wave of anti-second amendment rhetoric now
breaking daily on the doorstep of the NRA.
Mr LaPierre initially welcomed assembled members of the
press to what he termed ‘the beginning of our discussion of the topic’, before
announcing that no questions would be taken. From that point it became apparent
the ‘discussion’ would be a tad one-sided and although an opportunity for
questions was promised on another occasion, this was distinctly more polemic
than press conference.
After confirming the NRA shared in the collective revulsion,
Mr LaPierre asked why, in the aftermath of the abhorrent actions of Adam Lanza,
was nobody tackling what he sees as the central issue; how to keep children
safe, right now, in “a way that we know will work.” Mr LaPierre pointed out
that Americans are perfectly happy to see presidents, airports, offices, court
houses and even sports stadiums protected by armed guards, and yet when it
comes to children, he said, they are left “utterly defenceless”. It was by now
abundantly clear what was coming.
The solution, as the NRA sees it, is a National School
Shield Emergency Response Program, that’s gun-totting guards in schools to you
and me. After all, as Mr LaPierre put it; “the only thing that stops a bad guy
with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” Well, the National Rifle Association
must have a lot of guns, and, surprise surprise, LaPierre announced that the
NRA is “willing and uniquely qualified to help.” But, not only help, they’ll
bankroll it with both barrels, to the tune of “whatever scope the task
requires.” Now, in a time of tight budgets and fiscal shortfalls, it’s deeply gratifying
to think of an army of heavily-armed altruists riding to the rescue. Or is it?
Mr LaPierre had pilloried those he
professed were trying to exploit the tragedy “for political gain”, and rightly
so. Yet, it is hard to envisage from this “multi-faceted program”,
incorporating armed security, building design, IT, access control, and featuring
the “most knowledgeable and credentialed experts”, that somebody wouldn’t quietly
come out of it with a big stash of cash.
Setting aside such cynical assertions, LaPierre did make
some salient points. Movie studios and video games manufacturers were duly
called to account for portraying life “as a joke” and murder “as a way of
life”. After stating that society was “populated by an unknown number of
genuine monsters”, he also chastised the media for giving said monsters their
much craved global platform.
Although from this side of the pond, LaPierre’s proposal may
smack of opportunist economics, or a cynical justification of the NRA’s own existence,
saying; ‘oops, we were wrong, could everyone give their guns back?’ is unlikely
to have the desired effect either.
However morally bankrupt it might seem to suggest sending
armed security into American schools, perhaps the time for a more educational
approach elapsed when Pandora’s gunpowder pouch was opened, and its access enshrined
in US law. Sandy Hook evokes a collective pain, pointing to a collective
problem, and a society consistently producing such cancerous killings, needs to
take a long hard look inside itself for the cure.